It is only April 2010 and our World has already had so many devastating Earthquakes. It has so many asking is this NORMAL!?! Scientist say NO!!

I was doing some research online and I came accross some Great Articles. I got the following information at the USGS Website:

China’s tragic magnitude 6.9 earthquake on April 13 and the recent devastating earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, Mexico, and elsewhere have many wondering if this earthquake activity is unusual.

Scientists say 2010 is not showing signs of unusually high earthquake activity. Since 1900, an average of 16 magnitude 7 or greater earthquakes — the size that seismologists define as major — have occurred worldwide each year. Some years have had as few as 6, as in 1986 and 1989, while 1943 had 32, with considerable variability from year to year.

With six major earthquakes striking in the first four months of this year, 2010 is well within the normal range. Furthermore, from April 15, 2009, to April 14, 2010, there have been 18 major earthquakes, a number also well within the expected variation.

“While the number of earthquakes is within the normal range, this does not diminish the fact that there has been extreme devastation and loss of life in heavily populated areas,” said USGS Associate Coordinator for Earthquake Hazards Dr. Michael Blanpied.

What will happen next? Aftershocks will continue in the regions around each of this year’s major earthquakes sites. It is unlikely that any of these aftershocks will be larger than the earthquakes experienced so far, but structures damaged in the previous events could be further damaged and should be treated with caution. Beyond the ongoing aftershock sequences, earthquakes in recent months have not raised the likelihood of future major earthquakes; that likelihood has not decreased, either. Large earthquakes will continue to occur just as they have in the past.

Though the recent earthquakes are not unusual, they are a stark reminder that earthquakes can produce disasters when they strike populated areas — especially areas where the buildings have not been designed to withstand strong shaking. What can you do to prepare? Scientists cannot predict the timing of specific earthquakes. However, families and communities can improve their safety and reduce their losses by taking actions to make their homes, places of work, schools and businesses as earthquake-safe as possible.

U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Page Contact Information: Ask USGS
Page Last Modified: 4/14/2010 2:55:24 PM 

You can find more information at:

Well Ty’s Prom last night ended up being one of the biggest nights of hers and Steven’s life. My son “Popped” the question last night to Ty, he asked her to marry him and she said yes. I cried when they came into my room late last night and told me. I think Ty said her mother did the same thing when she called her a few moments after telling me about it. The kids say they are in no hurry to set a date, they are looking at maybe setting a date for a year and half from now like the fall of 2011. I am so proud of them. I cannot wait to have TyAnne as my daughter-in-law, I already love her now as if she was my own daughter.

The kids did not stay out late last night, in fact they were home by 10pm. Most of the other people at the Prom had left for parties and such, but they decided they did not want to go to any, so they came on home. I was proud of them for this, and a little relieved.

So Prom did turn out to be one Magical Night for both TyAnne and Steven!

Well today will be a busy day getting Ty, ready for her Prom. Her parents are coming over in a bit to help out...I am so excited for Ty and Steven. When Steven was in school he did not go to his Prom, well he went but he only stayed a minute and then came home. He did not have a date and he did not want to be there alone when all his friends has dates.

He is due to be home today, he went with Troy to help move Troy's mom into a new home up in Kansas. He said he bought a tie for the prom. All I know is he better be home in plenty of time to get ready.

I am going to do Ty's hair, and her mother is going to do her make-up for her. She is so nervous and excited. I hope the kids have a wonderful and magical time tonight at PROM!!

While Ty has been living with us, her mother or step-father has not offered any financial support to Ty. Ty likes to smoke cigarettes and these do not come cheap. I am the only one right now making an income while my husband is going back to college. So between me and my son we keep him in his chewing tobacco, & we try to keep Ty in cigarettes.

Her prom is coming up next week, and Ty is all excited about her and Steven going to it. We have been talking about hair do’s and dresses. Ty has been talking a lot to her mother about these things too, and since I know it is a mother/daughter thing my husband and I have invited Kay and Kevin (Ty’s step-dad) over that day to spend the day with us getting Ty ready, and having dinner with us. I have already bought Steven his dress pants, shirt, and shoes for the Prom, and he bought himself a tie. I cannot wait to see these two all dressed up for Prom. I will take Steven later this week to buy Ty her corsage.

So when it comes to financial situations we do what we can when it comes to our children no matter their age...or at least David & I do.

Usually I am big on pulling pranks on April's Fools Day, but this year I was not really in the mood. So I let me family have a holiday of Even though I think they were all on pins and needles waiting for me to pull some prank.

However if you are looking for any great April Fool's Day Pranks to pull on your loved ones or friends here are a few I have done in the past:

  1. Toliet Trouble ~ Put a piece of bubblewrap under the toilet seat so when your victim sits, they are surprised by a loud POP!
  2. Forgetfull ~ Tape magnets to the bottom of an empty coffee cup, and attach it to the top of your car. Laugh at all the people who frantically try to get your attention as you drive by.
  3. Tug of War ~ This prank can be pulled on two victims who have bedroom doors directly across the hall from each other. Use a rope to tie both door knobs to each other, with just enough slack to allow one door to open a crack. Then knock loudly on both doors at the same time. The victims will end up in a tug of war trying to get out.
  4. Big Foot ~ Stuff some cotton into the toes of the victim's shoes. They will think their feet grew or their shoes shrank.
  5. Can't See Yourself ~ If the person you are pranking uses a small wall mirror, take a picture facing directly away from the mirror. Crop it on your computer to exactly the same thing you would see in the mirror. Print it out on a large piece of paper, and then tape it to the mirror. Watch as the person franticly tries to see themselves.
Hope you have a great April Fool's Day...Have Fun Pranking, but BE NICE!!