Five days after all the rainfall we got and flooding, the water levels at the Buffalo National River were perfect for a great float. So my husband and I loaded the canoe, the ice chest, some towels, sunglasses, and other trinkets along with our little Yorkie names "Half Pint" and off to the River we went.
We put in at Hasty Cut Off and floated down the river to Carver a 4 mile float trip. It was such a beautiful day, and the River was flowing at about a speed of 2 miles per hour. We made the trip in 2.5 hours, taking the half hour to swim and play.
When we got to Carver and pulled out canoe out, we went up to the Camping/Picnic area of Carver and had a very pleasant picnic. We then just sat/laid there and enjoyed the scenery of the Mountains, Trees, Clouds, Fresh Breezy Air, Sounds of Birds Singing, and the Beautiful Sunshine.
All in all today was a perfect glorious day blessed by God~
Till Next. Time..God Bless!